The singer attended the event in Las Vegas on Tuesday and wore an, err, interesting ensemble. From the neck up, the brunette was a classic beauty with her hair in a messy bun and minimal makeup. But from there down everything went south, quite literally. It looked like the 19-year-old had grabbed something from three different outfits for her red carpet look.
She wore a backless leather-look halter-neck top over a black jumper. But the black jumper was far from plain: it had only one sleeve and an asymmetrical hemline. The knitted piece was full of holes and ladders ripped up her arm – not what you might expect for a star-studded event.
And to add insult to injury, the Pitch Perfect actress paired flesh-toned granny pants with completely see-through lacy trousers. Underneath the odd trousers, the teen wore nude fishnet tights.