We love Hailee Steinfeld on Twitter for a million reasons. She always tells us when she’s working on new music in the studio, shares her amazing #OOTD’s with us and most importantly makes us LOL on a daily basis — she’s legit the most relatable celebrity in Hollywood. Every time Hailee opens her mouth, it feels like she’s speaking directly to us. Haiz recently did an *epic* Twitter Q & A with the hashtag #AskHailee and her answers are everything. The brunette babe revealed something major about herself by answering the ultimate food-related question. Here’s the super important info that we learned about Hailee.
A fan asked Hailee probably the most important question that any human being can answer. “If you could be any pizza, what pizza would you be?” the fan tweeted. The thought of describing yourself as just *one* type of pizza is SO OVERWHELMING. All slices are amazing in their own way. But Hailee grabbed the question by the crust and totally slayed her answer.
Leave it to Haiz to think of an answer that transcends your typical sauce-and-cheese slice. “There’s a restaurant in LA called Craig’s that has a chocolate pizza on their menu. If I could be any pizza, I would be the chocolate pizza at Craig’s.” Hailee spilled. The singer then brought up a super important point. “But, I don’t know how long I’d last, which is sad to think about. But that’s what I’d be.” This is a totally valid statement considering if we were lucky enough to get our hands on a *chocolate pizza* we’d demolish it within 0.389 seconds.
This answer is classic Haiz — the babe is addicted to chocolate! Her love for cocoa is so strong, that she even sacrificed her Met Gala mani for a box of chocolates. It’s official — Hailee Steinfeld is our celebrity soul sister.