The multitalented Haiz singer-actress teams up with Nick Gale, better known as Digital Farm Animals, on a bouncy dance-pop collaboration called “Digital Love,” which was written in Copenhagen and inspired by a conversation with James Newman “about a stint of a disastrous relationship and a number of unusual experiences for Newman on mobile dating sites.”
“‘Digital Love’ is pretty reflective of a lot of people’s dating lives nowadays. We wanted it to be big and anthemic, and as with all the digital farm animals stuff (I hope), it has a tongue in cheek side to it. We felt that the story was best told as a duet since it’s from the perspective of two people in a relationship and fortunately Hailee Steinfeld wanted to work together,” says Digital Farm Animals.
“I’m a big fan of her voice so when she told me that she’d like to sing it, I was super excited! I think Hailee really brings the track to life.”