We personally think Niall Horan and Hailee Steinfeld are one of the cutest couples in Hollywood at the moment but, for some strange reason, not everyone agrees.
A girl who claims to be a fan of the “Slow Hands” crooner took it upon herself to post some awful things about Niallee on Twitter, including that the relationship is completely fake. The 25-year-old saw these messages, followed her and reportedly slid into her DMs to defend his girlfriend and his romance.
“I’m asking about all of your extremely mean tweets,” he allegedly wrote.
The girl was, as you can probably expect, super upset once she realized Niall saw the hateful comments. She quickly tried to backtrack and say she “never meant to be rude,” but was “just worried” for his wellbeing. She proceeded to delete the notes, but the Irish cutie wasn’t done teaching her a lesson just yet.
“It’s extremely rude to write stuff about people you don’t now online, it’s called bullying,” he fired back. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
The person on the receiving end of the private messages finally apologized and admitted that she “should have never done that.” While many people would’ve dropped it right then and there, Niall went on to prove that he actually is a prince and actually THANKED HER for being a fan and supporting his music.
His last DM allegedly read, “Thank you for the support of my music and I appreciate it.”
It’s so easy for people to say whatever they want on social media behind the comfort of their computer screen, but it’s important to remember that cyberbullying is still bullying and is NEVER acceptable, even when it’s a celebrity on the receiving end.